
Welcome to Digitalchemy,

While completing my BFA at The Cleveland Institute of Art in Game Design, many nights of research and writing lead me to take a more informal approach: starting a blog about video games that interest me, and what makes them tick. Since then, it has branched out to include other media that helps me think out loud, particularly graphic, sound and web design. Critically discussing the art and design of video games, though, has been a passion of mine for most of my life, from their look and feel to their stories and gameplay mechanics.

I hope you enjoy your visit here and find something interesting and/or useful to read. Feel welcome to leave comments, questions or contact me via email:

andrew -at- andrewkuhar.com

Thanks for stopping by,

Photograph taken by Hilary Bovay
Photograph taken by Hilary Bovay

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Andrew,
    I was just wondering about a picture on your site – more specifically if it was one of your pieces or not.

    The green house of cards pic totally captured my imagination and would be a great contender for my album.

    Could you let me know some more details about it if possible?

    Thanks and all the very best

    1. Hi Emily,

      Thanks for visiting! I sent you a more thorough e-mail response about the house of cards picture, but for the record it is not mine. I have yet to discover who’s actually responsible for it, as it’s been uncredited by multiple source for quite some time now.

      Take care,

  2. Hi Andrew,

    How much gold have you farmed using Digital Alchemy? The process must be intense. I would hate to see what kind of coding goes into that sort of work. RSS gold feeds?

    Just saying Hi buddy. I miss you. I miss your scent. Hope all is well.


    1. Just FTP’ing all my gold through SSH protocols.

      Just kidding, hey Alex! I’m doing good. Just got back into town last night, but we definitely ought to catch up and game some more in the near future. Hope that clan Morsch is doing well too.

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